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Multi Academy Trust

The Links Multi Academy Trust was established on the 1st October 2019. The Trust Board maintains strategic and statutory responsibility for Links Academies and services.

The Links MAT Board of Trustees are responsible for the overall conduct of all academies and service teams under the Links banner. Each academy has its own Senior Leadership Team (SLT) which is responsible for internal organisation, management and the deployment of teaching and non-teaching staff.

The inaugural Links MAT Trust Board meeting took place on the 10th December 2019. The Governance of Links MAT is through a structure of Members and Trustees as follows.

Our Chair of Trustees is Mrs Lynch and she can be contacted at: or c/o The Links Academy.


Members have ultimate responsibility for the trust achieving its objectives. They sign off the articles of association and have the power to appoint and remove the trustees. Academy Trusts must have a minimum of three members, although the DfE preference is for five.

FTM = Full Trustees Meeting

Name Date Appointed Declaration of Interest
Maire Lynch
  • Chair of Interim Executive Board at Falconer School
James Camp 10/12/19
Matthew Gauthier 10/12/23
  • Headteacher at Samuel Ryder
  • Deputy CEO of Scholars Education Trust
Alan Henshall 16/01/18
  • Treasurer of HASSH
  • Member of Presdales Academy Trust
  • Director of Harpenden Secondary Schools Trust
  • Headteacher and Director of Roundwood Park School
  • Member of Katherine Warington School
Stephen Mann 12/04/2024


Trustees collectively deliver the core functions common to school governance. The trustees must also ensure compliance with company and charity law and with the trust’s funding agreement with the Secretary of State.

The constitution of the board of trustees is set out in our Articles of Association.

Name First Appointed Term of Office Roles/ Committees
Declaration of Interest
Maire Lynch
10/12/19 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Resources and Audit (optional)
  • Academic Improvement (optional)
  • Chair of Interim Executive Board at Falconer School
David Allen
(Executive Headteacher)
10/12/19 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Resources and Audit (3/3)
  • Academic Improvement (3/3)
  • Officer in RAF
  • Related to CEO Blue Tangerine Trust
  • Trustee of the St Albans and District Bee-Keeping Association
Margaret Chapman 10/12/19 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Academic Improvement (Chair) (3/3)
  • Chair of ARAC
  • Headteacher at St Albans Girls’ School, part of ATLAS Multi Academy Trust
  • CEO of ATLAS Multi Academy Trust
Marcus Cooper 05/12/22 01/01/23 – 31/12/26
  • Pupil Premium Trustee
  • Consultant HIP for HfL
  • Chief Executive Officer of Spiral Academy Trust
  • Education Consultant for The States of Guernsey
Karen Haswell 10/12/19 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Academic Improvement
    (Vice Chair) (3/3)
  • Resources and Audit
  • Outreach Trustee
  • Employee of YC Services
Silvia Hundal 21/05/18 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Academic Improvement (2/3)
  • SEND Trustee
  • Access to Education Lead at Hertfordshire County Council
Damian Osman 10/12/19 10/12/23 – 09/12/27
  • Resources and Audit (0/3)
  • Health & Safety Trustee
  • Director of OSM Windows Limited
  • School Business Manager at Plashet School
Annie Thomson 06/12/21 06/12/21 – 05/12/25
  • Academic Improvement
  • Safeguarding Trustee
  • Children Looked After Trustee
  • Headteacher at The Marlborough Science Academy
  • Governor at Adeyfield School
  • Member of Interim Executive Board at Falconer School