At Links Academy we work with parents/carers and families to try to get the best opportunities for the most successful futures for all our students. We hold regular student review days where you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with our team of staff. Your child’s targets will be decided by all involved and a plan for their progression made. We welcome parental/carer involvement and are always happy for you to make an appointment to talk to us.
During your child’s time with us we will assign them a Pastoral Leader (PL) and this will be your main contact with us. Students also have a form tutor who will meet them at both morning and afternoon registration.
We work with outside agencies who help us when required: Youth Connexions, CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service).
- Spectrum (Alcohol, drugs addiction support group) NHS.
- CAMHS ( Child and Adolescent Mental Health service)
- YC Hertfordshire
- Targeted Youth Support team (TYSS)
- St Albans Bereavement Network
- Forest House; CAMHS School for those with Mental Health needs.
- the association of Pupil referrals units across England and Wales
- Children’s Centres across St Albans and Harpenden
- PSB, the Primary Support Base in St Albans
If your child is going to be late or unable to attend school for any reason please contact us by phone on 01727 836150 and select option 2 or 3. If your child does not arrive on time we will contact you for a reason. On return to school after an absence we will require a written note to explain the absence likewise if your child has a medical appointment please let us know in advance in writing.